David Singleton

David Singleton's Diary

Friday 15 June 2018

What a difference a day makes

A perfect snaphot of life on the road. On Wednesday, the wonders of Music. On Thursday, I did not hear so much as a single note, as I moved from Music to its troublesome confrere, namely Business. And today, our five-hour coach ride to Krakow has become a ten-hour epic thanks to the worldwide scourge of roadworks. We left at 11.00 am, it is now 18.12 (exactly like the Overture) and google maps is currently predicting an arrival after 9pm. A little too late for our 6.30 dinner reservation…

Poland  (despite the delays for roadworks - something at which the UK must have claims to be a world leader), is wonderful. It is telling that many of the band, despite having been cooped up in the same hotel for ten days, were sad to leave Poznan. There was a tangible sense of goodwill. I noticed it at the Royal Packages, from the audience at the concert, from the staff at the venue, and as you walk the streets. If we ever reach Krakow (which must be in some doubt), I hope these prove to be national characteristics.

In a late-night stroll around the town yesterday evening, I was also struck by how thin everyone is (‘svelte’ might be a better word – healthily thin, not impoverished). When I first went to the US (in 1989), I noticed how, on average, everyone was larger than in the UK. Sadly, that is no longer the case, as we cope with our own obesity/diabetes epidemic. Whichever part of the Western diet is causing this disaster, it would appear that it has thankfully yet to reach Poland. Long may that continue.

The coach has stopped again. More roadworks.

